Have you been hiding your smile when meeting someone for the first time, going to your best friend's wedding, taking photos, and even chatting with family and friends?

Never worry about expressing your joy and happiness with re·me®,

your dream smile.

Say goodbye to old you,

and hello to better you.

Do you have concerns about shaving your teeth down into small studs for veneers?

Are you worried about experiencing sensitivity or pain, and ending up with a smile that looks fake?

Have you had veneers done but are still unsatisfied with the results?

Are you concerned that the porcelain veneer may break?

Do you experience gum inflammation due to poorly fitting veneers?

We understand that you may be hesitant to take the first step towards achieving your dream smile.

It seems like every day there are new horror stories on Instagram and social media that make the process seem daunting and painful.

However, the reality at re·dental clinic is much different.

The process can be much easier and painless than you think, and the end result will be worth it.

So over the moon happy with my results from Kim at Re-dental. My teeth have always been an insecurity for me and now they no longer are. The experience was comfortable and pain free and i even got to watch Netflix while i was having it done! Absolutely recommend Kim and her team!
— Bayley S.

Smile that
looks & feels natural

We’ll carefully consider the overall harmony of your face to enhance your natural beauty and boosting your confidence, while also ensuring that your teeth and gums and healthy and strong.


re· dental clinic

At Re- Dental Clinic, we understand the importance of preserving your natural teeth.

Our innovative re·me® focuses on enhancing both the functionality and aesthetics of your smile with a conservative approach, ensuring that your dental health is not compromised.

We aim to repair and revitalise damaged areas, allowing you to maintain a healthy and beautiful smile.

re·me® is made from premium all-ceramic materials that closely mimic the strength and aesthetics of your natural teeth.

Crafted with meticulous attention to detail to fit each individual tooth to simply cover over imperfections so you can smile without worry for decades.

Your long-lasting solution that is safe and effective for
a beautiful smile that feels and looks just like your teeth.

Every step to crafting your premium re·me® veneers is meticulously planned and executed by our experienced and trusted team.

Preserve natural teeth.

At Re-Dental Clinic, we prioritise your oral wellness by providing patient-centred care and focus on creating your ideal smile and improving your overall well-being.

We aim to conserve your natural teeth to prevent issues such as pain, damage to the teeth, and the risk of breaking veneers. With our re·me®, you can enjoy a lasting, radiant smile without worry.

Benefits of minimal prep & ultrathin re·me®

1. Less post-op sensitivity/complications. The enamel has no nerve endings, so there is no sensation, just like your nails.

2. Better bonding to enamel hence longer lifespan.

3. Less likely to fracture or de-bond.

We only tidy up your teeth, so there is enough space for our re·me®.

Reduced error.

Even a slight change of 0.1mm in your mouth can make a significant difference.

We are dedicated to utilising advanced technology and techniques to reduce any potential errors that may occur, strive to achieve excellence, and ensure that you receive the best possible outcome.

Superb Fit.

Creating ultrathin re·me® can be challenging due to their delicate nature.

Even with minimal preparation, it won't be successful if you cannot make them.

The craftsmanship of our expert technician is essential in creating each re·me®, as even the slightest deviation from the desired thickness or fit can result in an unfavourable outcome.

Through their expertise, fine details are added to each individual re·me®, resulting in a flawless final smile.

Seamlessly bonded to your teeth.

The fit of the veneers affects their lifespan.

We take great care to minimise post-treatment complications using precise fitting veneers and proper bonding techniques - leaving no gaps.

Poor bonding of the ill-fitting restorations on your natural teeth creates an environment allowing bacteria to thrive, negatively impacting the teeth and gums, and may also result in a quick failure of the restorations.

This can lead to potential issues down the road - the teeth may have an increased risk of decay, pain, or gum swelling.

Precision perfected: meticulous craftsmanship, exquisite attention to detail.

It is not just simply shaving down the teeth to place veneers; it is essential to diagnose correctly to fit individual needs and precise fitting of the re·me®.

How your re·me® is made.









Your bespoke re·me® are individually crafted to fit flawlessly to your teeth, tailored to your unique features and preferences
so no one re·me® veneer is the same.




The details

re·me® is made from premium all-ceramic material carefully selected for its exceptional durability and aesthetic qualities. We are proud to use only the highest quality and genuine - scientific and clinically proven materials in over a million cases.

Crafting re·me® is a delicate and complex process, requiring precise craftsmanship and expertise to ensure a perfect fit for each individual tooth.

Every re·me® is made exclusively within the clinic, so we don’t send our cases overseas.

This exclusivity means that with re·me®,
you can enjoy your new smile
within a week,
with the highest quality.

These materials undergo precise milling on state-of-the-art machines before being meticulously handcrafted by our skilled technicians into a 0.1 to 0.3mm ultrathin re·me®.

This advanced material not only offers maximum protection and durability but also reduces the necessity for excessive removal of your natural teeth.

Our goal is to stay within the enamel, and our ultrathin re·me® allows us to tidy up your teeth only so there is enough space for re·me®, preserving natural teeth, reducing the risk of sensitivity, damage to the teeth, and better bonding to the natural teeth.

This is how re·me® is designed to provide optimal protection to your teeth while also enhancing their appearance for a long-lasting, beautiful smile that feels and looks just like your teeth.

What happens during re·me® process?

So why is it important to choose the right cosmetic dentist?

Things can go wrong if not done properly.

The following cases of unsatisfactory porcelain veneers were revised by Dr Elizabeth Kim.

  • Poor-fitting veneers can cause discomfort and sensitivity, damage to the underlying tooth and gum, increased the risk of infection and a quick failure of the veneers.

  • If veneers are not designed and created correctly, you may end up needing to redo the work.

  • This unfortunate patient got veneers from overseas that turned out to be yellower than her natural teeth. She didn't have an opportunity to preview her new smile before the veneers were bonded to ensure she was happy with them. Even if she did, she wouldn't have had enough time to fix them.

  • Damage to underlying tooth structure: if the dentist removes too much, it can weaken the tooth leading to other complications.

  • In this case, inadequate initial planning led to extractions and moving teeth to unfavourable spaces, resulting in unaesthetic, unhygienic, and bulky crowns and bridges.

    This makes rejuvenating the patient's smile a more complex challenge due to the existing constraints.

    Addressing the situation effectively will require a thorough reassessment of the treatment approach to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing and functional outcome while working within these limitations.

  • The teeth that may look good on someone else may not look good on you so it's important to find what works best for you.

    By analysing your facial features and smile line, we can help you create a smile that's uniquely yours and makes you feel confident.

  • Our patient came to see us with concerns about the recently placed veneers. She was dissatisfied with the results as it did not meet her expectations.

    It is essential to have clear communication, a thorough understanding of your desired outcome, as well as to analyse your facial features to ensure that the final results will work for you.

    This way, you can be confident and happy with your new smile.

We Standby Our Work.

re·gain your confidence with


  • Veneers are thin, custom-made shells designed to cover the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance.

    They are often made from porcelain or composite resin materials and are bonded to the teeth.

  • For anyone has:

    Spaced, minor crowded teeth

    Irregularly shaped teeth

    Worn-down, easily chipped

    Discoloured and stained

    Ageing Teeth

    For anyone who :

    Hiding the smile?

    Confidence boost?

    Love to bite and chew?

    Want lip fullness, cheek support and improved wrinkles?

  • Our bespoke re·me® can protect teeth, improve function, splint cracked teeth, and create a symmetrical, more proportionate, smooth arc to your smile line.

    A versatile solution that can strengthen aged teeth, effectively cover cracks, reduce sensitivity, restore both shape and function and brighten your teeth's colour.

  • Your smile is unique, and the number of re·me® you’ll need will depend on how you want to see your teeth transformed and are usually done symmetrically.

  • Not everyone is an ideal candidate for veneers.

    All dental treatments carry risks and complications. It is best to discuss with our cosmetic dentist, Dr Elizabeth Kim, whether the veneers suit you.

  • The price of porcelain veneers can vary depending on several factors, such as the number of veneers you need and the complexity of your treatment plan. We'll work with you to create a personalised plan that includes the total cost of your treatments to meet your specific needs and goals. On average, porcelain veneers cost $1550 to $2,500 per tooth. The cost may vary depending on several factors, such as the expertise of the dentist and the technicians and the quality of the materials used.

  • Porcelain veneers - A thin ceramic layer is custom-made by the lab technicians. It is a material of choice for veneers as it is stain-resistant and durable, similar to natural teeth.

    Composite veneers - Alternative option to porcelain. It is a quick and easy solution but not as durable and stain-resistant. It is made of white resin filling material commonly used to repair decayed teeth.

Smile Close-Up

*The images have not been edited in any way, allowing you to see healthy gum, its natural gloss, symmetry, colour and contour. Every smile is unique, which is why we believe your teeth should be too. Our goal is to improve your natural tooth shape to create a better, more beautiful version of your smile.

Discoloured & Small teeth

Ageing teeth & Gum recession

Chipped & Worn down teeth

Old veneers & Gum recession

Book your visit

Book your free, no-obligation smile consultation to find out if re·me® is the right option for you!

We will advise you about treatment options and explain the costs and process involved.



1 Jervois Road, Ponsonby, Auckland

Situated at the junction of Ponsonby Road, Jervois Road and College Hill.

The car park is located behind the building, with access from St Marys Road.


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Smile Makeovers